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Research Fellow on developmental neuropsychology and psychiatry
The Child Neuropsychiatry Unit of the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital in Rome is seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic Research Fellow for 12 months to support research and clinic focused on developmental neuropsychology and psychiatry.
The ideal candidate will be passionate about learning and developing cutting-edge techniques and integrating digital innovations in the research field of specific learning disorders, autism spectrum disorders and child psychopathology. Any applicant must hold a PhD in an aligned subject area and must have experience with neuropsychological or psychological evaluation, with data analysis and with writing/drafting papers; prior knowledge of psychophysiological techniques, such as tDCS and EEG, or of programming/scripting is a plus but not required.
The Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital (www.ospedalebambinogesu.it) is the largest paediatric hospital and research centre in Europe, with connections to leading international centres in the sector. The Child Neuropsychiatry Unit of the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital (specchioriflesso.net) is considered one of the national point of reference for the assessment and treatment of developmental disorders and delivers a range of healthcare services, providing comprehensive diagnostic procedures for children and adolescents with Autism, specific learning disorders, language disorders, intellectual disabilities and genetic syndromes, ADHD and behavioural problems, psychopathological disorder as Schizophrenia, early onset psychosis and eating disorders.
The Child Neuropsychiatry Unit comprises a strong team of doctors from various disciplines, including 6 Psychiatrists, 6 Neuropsychiatrists, 18 Psychologists, 2 Speech therapists. It has a total of 10 beds in the Psychiatry care subunit, a total of 9 rooms and relative facilities for the clinical evaluation in the Neuropsychiatry subunit, and it is supported by the Neuropsychology Laboratory and the tDCS Laboratory for research on the cognitive profile and treatment perspectives in developmental disorders.
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a cover letter, CV, list of publications, and brief statement of research interests to Dr. Stefano Vicari (stefano.vicari@opbg.net).
Informal enquires may be addressed to Dr Deny Menghini, Dr Floriana Costanzo or Dr. Maria Pontillo (deny.menghini@opbg.net, floriana.costanzo@opbg.net; maria.pontillo@opbg.net).
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed on site or via skype.
Closing date: 30 Nov